Project Plan

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Milestone Description Deadline
Initiation Scope (high level): Area of interest. Document studies. Report: Chapters, short texts. 5-10 pages. Initial slide kit for presentations. 02/2000
Proposal Title, summary, participants, advisor. 29.02.2000
Scope Amended slide kit. Scope agreed with and approved by advisor. 03/2000
Questionnaire preparation Target audience and contents defined, reviewed by team. 26.04.2000
Review by other stakeholders: Advisor, KnowledgeSource, key organisation representants, associated diploma works. 08.05.2000
Questionnaire completed. 16.05.2000
Questionnaire distribution: Ca. 50 participants per organisation. 29.05.2000
Survey, Interviews Interviews with selected participants. Reminders, follow-up. 16.06.2000
Questionnaires captured to database 13.07.2000
Information reconciliation and review based on full view 17.07.2000
Data quality improvement completed 21.07.2000
Evaluation First cut results review and interpretation 14.08.2000
Report First cut version 12.09.2000
Project team reviewed version, submit to advisor team (version 0.8) 19.09.2000
Deadline for feedback 11.10.2000
Distribution of revised version (version 0.9) 15.10.2000
Final review meeting: Contents, references 19.10.2000
Final version, ready to print 24.10.2000
Diploma work submitted 31.10.2000
